Insights Discovery Management Chapter





At Insights, we believe that everyone is a leader in their own way. Whether you lead projects, teams, or whole companies, it’s how you lead, not what you lead, that really matters. The Management Chapter helps leaders to understand the impact of their style on those they lead. We make it quickly applicable too, helping leaders to understand that leadership isn’t a onesize-fits-all affair. It’s one-size-fits-one.

The Chapter focuses on:

  • How people like to manage and be managed
  • How to motivate others and be motivated
  • Creating an ideal work environment

When to Use the Management Chapter:

Transformational Leadership has been empirically linked to increased employee satisfaction, organisational commitment, increased productivity and profitability, and overall employee performance. So it’s vital that the leadership in any organisation is highly aware of how their personal style impacts on others, and how effective they are as a leader. By developing an understanding of how to manage and motivate others, and how to create an environment that leads to increased productivity and morale, this chapter is vital for leaders.